Printing & Dyeing Auxiliary
Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda

Chemical formula:40.00

CAS:1310-73-2 [5]


White crystalline powder, soluble in water, ethanol, glycerin, insoluble in acetone, ether.


1. Potassium hydroxide is mainly used as raw materials for potassium salt production, such as potassium permanganate and potassium carbonate.

2. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used for the production of potassium borohydrin, amperolactone, sarhepatol, progesterone and testosterone propionate.

3. Used in light industry for the production of potash soap, alkaline batteries, cosmetics (such as cold cream, cream and shampoo).

4. In the dye industry, it is used to produce VAT dyes, such as VAT blue RSN.

5. In the electrochemical industry, it is used for electroplating, engraving, etc.

6. In the textile industry, it is used for printing and dyeing, bleaching and mercerizing, and is widely used as the main raw material for manufacturing man-made fibers and polyester fibers.

7. Used for metallurgical heating agent and leather degreasing.

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